The Machine Girl
AHAHAHAHAHAHAA omg. Roligaste jag sett på länge. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. Blodigaste jag sett på länge också för den delen.
Anyway, 27 things I learned while watching The Machine Girl (från
1. If your arm is battered and fried in boiling oil it's fine the next day.
2. If you get stabbed through the back of the head you puke up your intestines.
3. Japanese school girls can easily lug around 50+ pounds of gun and ammo.
4. No matter how desperate you are for revenge always launder your uniform between fights so it's nice and white.
5. A machine gun can perfectly flay smoeone's head.
6. Grieving parents make a great fighting team.
7. You can loose lots of blood but can still be in great shape for action.
8. Chainsaw is the good alternate for a machine gun.
9. Don't use drill bra near water (or urine).
10. You can eat rice cake with one hand.
11. Being the son of a doctor qualifies you enough to treat severe cuts and wounds.
12. Japanese blood is more pink than red.
13. Your son's blood is a good substitute for hair conditioner.
14. Machine gun is an effective tool to skin a person alive.
15. Killing IS the answer to all the problems in life.
16. Tempura has been known to spread. If you get your hand tempura'd, your entire arm will show effects.
17. Eating a throwing star not only hurts the mouth, but it incapacitates people... somehow.
18. When in doubt about your endeavors, a ghost will come clap awkwardly at you.
19. Chainsaws come with an attachment that makes them easy to replace limbs with.
20. More than half of the population is likely to lose a limb in the next two hours.
21. Sexual assault victims with the ability to break free usually wait until they're groped "enough".
22. When one is scared, his/her hands shake violently enough to not be able to thread a wire into a hole 3 inches in diameter.
23. You don't have to be very good at basketball for your friend to tell you that you're good at basketball. HAHAHAHAHA.
24. When praying to Hanzo Hittori, you have a seizure.
25. When you get your face blown off, your eyes get huge.
26. If you manage to get your hand tempura'ed, your arm will sprout bizarre orange feather-like things.
27. Pounding huge nails into a guy's head will not kill him, and if you pound enough of them into his skull, he will actually tell you where the bad guys are hiding out.
En av huvudpersonerna har även medverkat i en film som heter Zombie Ass: Toilet of the Dead. Had to be said.
Postat av: Anna
HAHAHA - den här MÅSTE jag se! Sen måste jag typ sno den här listan av dig :3